Synchronize campaign data between Microsoft Advertising and Microsoft Advertising Editor

To ensure that you're always working with the latest data, begin each work session by getting changes from Microsoft Advertising to Microsoft Advertising Editor.

With Microsoft Advertising Editor, you're working on campaign data copied from Microsoft Advertising to your computer. Make sure the copy on your computer matches the data in your Microsoft Advertising account by synchronizing Microsoft Advertising Editor with Microsoft Advertising each time you start.


Changing your Sync Settings, getting data from Microsoft Advertising, or using the Full Account command to revert all changes will overwrite the data in Microsoft Advertising Editor. The changes that you have not yet posted to Microsoft Advertising will be lost.

Synchronize all Microsoft Advertising campaign data with all Microsoft Advertising Editor data

  1. Select Post selected campaigns on the toolbar.
  2. In the Changes Summary dialog box, select All Campaigns or Selected campaigns to post changes in. Preview your changes and select OK.
  3. In the Finished posting dialog box, review the results, and select Close.

Change your settings to synchronize entire account

  1. Select Get Changes on the toolbar.
  2. Select Full account.
  3. In the Confirm download dialog box, select All campaigns and select OK.
  4. In the Finished posting box, review your chances, and select Close.

Change your settings to synchronize selected campaigns

  1. Select Get Changes on the toolbar.
  2. Select Basic (faster) to exclude the first page bid estimate, top of page bid estimate, and quality score, or select More data (slower) to include the first page bid estimate, top of page bid estimate, and quality score.
  3. In the Confirm download dialog box, select which campaign(s) you want to download, and select what you want to include:
    • Everything. Gets the selected campaigns, all their data including targeting and extensions, and all their ad groups, ads, keywords and other items.
    • Campaigns only (excludes ad groups, ads, and keywords). Gets only the settings and records of the selected campaigns. This includes campaign-level targeting and extensions.
    • Campaigns and ad groups only (excludes ads and keywords). Gets only the settings and records of selected campaigns and their ad groups. This includes campaign-level and ad group-level targeting and extensions, but not keywords and ads.
  4. Select OK.
  5. In the Finished posting box, review your changes, and select Close.

Only download campaign data updated on Microsoft Advertising

  1. Select Get recent changes on the toolbar.
  2. Select Basic (faster) to exclude the first page bid estimate, top of page bid estimate, and quality score, or select More data (slower) to include the first page bid estimate, top of page bid estimate, and quality score.
  3. In the Confirm download box, select which campaign(s) you want to download, and select what you want to include:
    • Everything. Gets the selected campaigns, all their data including targeting and extensions, and all their ad groups, ads, keywords and other items.
    • Campaigns only (excludes ad groups, ads, and keywords). Gets only the settings and records of the selected campaigns. This includes campaign-level targeting and extensions.
    • Campaigns and ad groups only (excludes ads and keywords). Gets only the settings and records of selected campaigns and their ad groups. This includes campaign-level and ad group-level targeting and extensions, but not keywords and ads.
  4. Select OK.
  5. In the Finished posting box, review your changes, and select Close.

To keep your online account data current, at the end of each work session, post changes from Microsoft Advertising Editor to Microsoft Advertising.

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