Edit keyword bids

Change keyword bids for a single keyword or multiple keywords easily in Microsoft Advertising Editor.

You can change the bid for a single keyword or make the same change to the bids for multiple keywords.

Update bid to a specific amount

  1. Select the campaign or ad group from the tree view in the left pane.
  2. Select Keywords under Keywords and targeting from the type list in the left pane.
  3. Select the keyword you want to edit from the data view.
  4. In the Edit the selected keywords pane, enter a new bid into the Bid box.

    Based on Microsoft research, we recommend that you bid at least $0.30 on each keyword. Bids below this are often too low to compete against other advertisers' bids on the same keywords. As a result, your ad might not show.

  5. Repeat for each keyword you want to change.

Increase or decrease bid by a specific amount

  1. Select the campaign or ad group from the tree view in the left pane.
  2. Select Keywords under Keywords and targeting from the type list in the left pane.
  3. Select one or more keywords you want to edit from the data view.
  4. In the Edit the selected keywords pane, enter the bid amount.
  5. Repeat for each keyword you want to change.
  • Once a campaign becomes active, you cannot change its pricing method between CPC (cost per click) and CPM (cost per thousand impressions).
  • To activate changes that you make in Microsoft Advertising Editor, you must post them to your Microsoft Advertising account.

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