Show your business address in your ad

Learn how to show the address of your business location that's closest to the customer with location extensions.

What it is:
When you enable a location extension, you can choose to show the address of your business location that is closest to the customer and also include a local phone number. Better yet, if the customer is viewing your ad on a smartphone, they can click that number to give you a call.

Location extensions

A particularly powerful feature of location extensions is that the address shown to the customer is typically the business location that is closest to them. If you have multiple business locations set up for your campaign, Microsoft Advertising will display the address and phone number for the location that is closest to the customer. The radius for the location display is about 50 miles. If you don't have a business location entered that is within 50 miles of the customer, no location will be shown in your ad.

Locations that you create apply to all your campaigns within a particular Customer ID. Also, note that you enable location extensions at the campaign level and they get applied to all ad groups and ads in the campaign.

Ability to set up in: All Bing markets

Serves in: All Bing markets, except Belgium and China.

How do I edit a location extension? expando image
  1. Select the campaign or ad group from the tree view in the left pane.
  2. Select Location Extensions under Ads and extensions from the type list in the left pane.
  3. In the data view, select the location extension you want to edit.
  4. In the edit pane, edit the location information.
How do I create multiple location extensions?expando image
  1. Select the campaign from the tree view in the left pane you want to add location extensions to.
  2. Select Location Extensions under Ads and extensions from the type list in the left pane.
  3. Select Make multiple changes in the data view and select Add/update multiple Location Extensions.
  4. In the Make multiple Changes dialog box, do one of the following:
    • If the data you are going to add includes campaign names, select My Location Extensions data includes campaign names.
    • If the data you are going to add does not include campaign names, in the Select location box, select the campaigns that you want to add the location extensions to.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • If you want to use the suggested headings, select Insert headings.
    • If you want to use your own headings, in the first row of the text box, type the heading of each column.
  6. In the text box, do one of the following:
    • Paste your location extensions data into the box using tabs as delimiters.
    • Type the data for one link per line, using tabs to move to the next column.
  7. If you want to change the headings, select Edit headings... and select the desired headings in the drop down boxes.
  8. Select Next.
  9. On the Import completed page, after you review your changes, select Close.
How do I create a shared location extension? expando image
  1. Select Shared Library in the left pane and make sure you're in the Shared Location Extension view.
  2. Select Add Location Extension and add the location details in the Editor pane.
How do I associate an existing location extension to a campaign? expando image
  1. Select the campaign or ad group from the tree view in the left pane.
  2. Select Location Extensions under Ads and extensions from the type list in the left pane.
  3. In the data view, select Add associations and select Add campaign Location Extension association.
  4. Select the ad group or campaign you want to add a location extension and select Next.
  5. Select the location extensions to use.
  6. Select OK.

Note:: Making edits to the location extension association will also change the shared location extension. Any associations that link to this shared location extension will also get changed.

How do I edit a location extension association? expando image
  1. Select the campaign or ad group from the tree view in the left pane.
  2. Select location extensions under Ads and extensions from the type list in the left pane.
  3. In the data view, select the location extension you want to edit.
  4. In the edit pane, edit the location text.
How can I find the state/province codes?expando image

To find the valid state/province location codes:

  1. Go to the Geographical location codes and sign in to your Microsoft Advertising account.
  2. Under Download Geographical Location Codes, select the language you want to download the geographical codes in and select Download.
  3. Open the downloaded Excel file and filter the data by state/province from the Descriptor column.
  4. In the Code column, use the second portion of the code for your state/province code. For example, for Western Australia, the code is AU-WA. When inputting the state/province for your location extension, enter WA only.

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