How do I preview my ad in Bing search results?

The Ad preview and diagnostics tool lets you quickly confirm that your ad is showing correctly on Bing without impacting impressions or clicks. If your ad isn't on the first page of search results, we explain why and offer suggestions on getting it there.

The Ad preview and diagnostics tool lets you quickly confirm that your ad is showing correctly on Bing without impacting impressions or clicks. If your ad isn't on the first page of search results, we will explain why and offer suggestions on getting it there.

You can preview both your text ads and product ads. To see if your ad is on the first page of search results:

  1. From the top menu, select Tools > Ad preview & diagnostics.

    If you're using the new Microsoft Advertising navigation, from the navigation menu on the left, select Tools > Ad preview & diagnostics.

  2. On the Ad Preview and Diagnostics Tool page, type the keyword or search query for which you want to find search ads.
  3. Select the targeting options (Language, Location, and Device) for which you want to preview your ads.
  4. Select Preview.
  5. If you see any of these messages, take the steps below:

"Your ad is not showing." expando image
  1. Under Showing diagnosis details for each keyword listed, review the short summary to see a full description and suggested action.
  2. Follow the action suggested.
  3. Select Close.
  • If your account is inactive or paused, the tool will show you a preview of the first page of search results but won't show any diagnostic information. This is because ads in paused or inactive accounts aren't eligible to be served.
  • Currently, the Ad preview and diagnostics tool does not support dynamic search ads.

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