Managing your addresses

Your company's legally registered business address is critical information that you will need to keep on file and up to date. You will also need to provide your mailing address if it is different from your business address.

Only users with full permissions (Super Admins) can update addresses. Learn more about user roles.

Your company's legally registered business address is critical information that you will need to keep on file and up to date. We use your business address to help determine whether you will be charged for tax or VAT on your advertising costs.

Update your business address

Your company's legal business address can be updated in Microsoft Advertising. For an agency, use the client's legally registered business address as the business address. You can update your business address as follows:

  1. If you have multiple accounts, choose one from the account selector in the top menu.
  2. From the top menu, select Tools > Accounts.

    If you're using the new Microsoft Advertising navigation, from the navigation menu on the left, select Tools > Accounts.

  3. Select Accounts summary > Management.
  4. Select the three vertical dots to the right of the account name whose address you want to update > Account settings.
  5. Under Account information, select pencil iconEdit account settings.
  6. Enter your Business location and your Business address.
  7. Select Save.

Update your mailing address

You can get paper invoices delivered to a different mailing address than your business address, such as an accounts payable department, if your business is based in Korea, Taiwan, China, Colombia, Russia, Peru, Venezuela or Panama. Your business address is the legal business address Microsoft Advertising has on file when your monthly invoice was first set up.

Edit the mailing address for invoice accounts
  1. From the top menu, select Tools > Billing & Payments.

    If you're using the new Microsoft Advertising navigation, from the navigation menu on the left, hover over Billing and select Payments.

  2. If you have multiple accounts, choose one from the account selector in the top menu.
  3. Select Payment methods.
  4. Find the SAP ID you wish to edit. (If its details are hidden, you can reveal them by selecting the arrow.)
  5. In Invoice mailing address, select a different address from the list or Enter a new address.
  6. Select Save.

You can edit the mailing address for your invoice as long as it matches with the legal business address:

  1. From the top menu, select Tools > Preferences > Manager account settings.

    If you're using the new Microsoft Advertising navigation, from the navigation menu on the left, hover over Settings and select Manager account settings.

  2. Select Edit manager account settings.
  3. Update your legal business address. This will automatically update your invoice's mailing (bill-to) address.
  4. Select Save

Edit the mailing address for prepay or postpay accounts

You can update the mailing (bill-to) address on billing documents from postpay threshold and prepay accounts by updating the address associated with the account's primary payment method.

  1. From the top menu, select Tools > Billing & Payments > Payment methods.

    If you're using the new Microsoft Advertising navigation, from the navigation menu on the left, hover over Billing and select Payment methods.

  2. Select Edit for the payment method that you want to update.
  3. Update the address.
  4. Select Save

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