Why isn’t my tracking template working?

Learn the validation rules so that you can fix issues with your tracking template.

Your tracking template might not be working because your final URL, mobile URL or tracking templates don't meet the following validation rules.

  • Final and Mobile URLs must start with either http:// or https://
  • Tracking templates must reference a landing page URL using {lpurl} or a permutation of that tag

    Tracking templates at the account, campaign, and ad group level must include a parameter that inserts your landing page URL using either the {lpurl} or other advanced parameters. Once your ad is clicked, these parameters will insert your final URL. If you don’t include a URL insertion parameter in your tracking template, your landing page URL will break.

    Parameter What it returns
    {lpurl} The Final URL. It will be escaped unless you put {lpurl} at the beginning of your tracking template. If {lpurl} isn't at the beginning of your tracking template, all characters that are not letters, numbers, or the following punctuation characters will be escaped: -, _, ., !, *, (, and ).
    • Final URL: http://example.com
    • Tracking template: {lpurl}?matchtype={matchtype}
    • Landing page URL: http://example.com?matchtype={matchtype}
    {lpurl+2}The Final URL, escaped twice. Useful when you have a chain of redirects.
    {lpurl+3}The Final URL, escaped three times. Useful when you have a chain of redirects.
    {unescapedlpurl}The Final URL, unescaped.
    {escapedlpurl}The Final URL, escaped. Escapes all characters that are not letters, numbers, or the following punctuation characters: -, _, ., !, *, (, and ).
    {escapedlpurl+2}The Final URL, escaped twice. Useful when you have a chain of redirects.
    {escapedlpurl+3}The Final URL, escaped three times. Useful when you have a chain of redirects.
  • Domain name of Display URL must match website’s landing page URL after redirect and tracking is applied.

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