Navigating Microsoft Hotel Center

Learn how to navigate Microsoft Hotel Center.

As of April 9th, you'll no longer have full access to Hotel Center. We're looking forward to introducing you to Property Center, which will provide exciting self-serving capabilities. Thanks for waiting patiently as we update our help content with the new features. In the meantime, you can read about these upcoming changes and how to make your migration process smoother.


Hotel price ads is currently available in beta testing. Please contact your account manager for details on how you might be able to join. If you don't have an account manager, please fill out the enrollment form.

Once you have been enabled for Hotel price ads, you can access Microsoft Hotel Center by selecting Tools > Hotel center. After you launch Microsoft Hotel Center, you'll see three tabs that contain a set of core functionalities to assist with managing, scaling, and improving the performance of your Hotel price ads on Bing: Overview, Assignment, and Intelligence.

The Overview tab

View property performance data and inline capabilities to set bids, budgets, and bid multiplier settings of your subaccounts.

The table in the Overview tab will display your subaccount's property, property group, subaccount, date, device type, property country, length of stay, user country, and slot type data. You can view both active and inactive property performance and download your subaccount's data directly from the table.

The Assignment tab

Create new, rename, or delete property groups; assign ungrouped properties to a group; or move properties from one property group to another in the Assignment tab.

The Intelligence tab

Access tools and reports to improve the quality of your feeds and feed coverage from the Intelligence tab.

  • Feeds allows you to upload your property list in either CSV or XML format.
  • Reports helps you understand the data issues that may be preventing you from advertising on properties.
  • Ad extensions guides you through creating ad extensions for your subaccounts and property groups.

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