Ad recommendations can help boost performance

Learn how Microsoft Advertising can create and run ads for you automatically.

Starting March 31, 2022, you will no longer see ad suggestions for expanded text ads. If you have auto-apply for ad suggestions enabled, suggestions recommended until March 31, 2022 will continue to be applied until April 14, 2022. Learn more about changes to expanded text ads.

Microsoft Advertising can help manage your campaign performance by creating ad recommendations to improve your ads' visibility, bid tactics, and keywords and targeting.

Since more ads often yields better results, ad recommendations could also mean the suggestion of additional ads—such as responsive search ads and multimedia ads—for ad groups that appear to be underperforming. Research shows that ad groups with three or more quality ads can get up to 15% more clicks than those with only one ad. Microsoft Advertising's AI helps by identifying ad groups that show potential for better performance and creating new ads based on your existing ads.

How ad recommendations work

  • Like other types of recommendations, ad recommendations are suggestions offered by Microsoft Advertising to help improve your campaign's performance.
  • When Microsoft Advertising identifies an ad group that might be helped by having more quality ads, it creates suggested ads designed for that ad group. Note that most of your ad groups might never receive suggested ads.
  • The suggested ads are variations of your existing ads, based on their keywords, ad extensions, landing pages, targeting, and other relevant content.
  • You are notified in Recommendations that suggested ads have been created for you. You'll get a maximum of 50 suggested ads at any one time.
  • Ads that you choose to apply should start to immediately appear in searches within 48 hours. Those you dismiss are removed, though, they may reappear in the future if the recommendation becomes available again.

Microsoft Advertising can auto-apply ad recommendations for you

You can opt in to allow Microsoft Advertising to automatically create and apply more ad variations when they're needed. You'll still have the option to review, edit, apply, or dismiss any ad suggestions within the review period; but Microsoft Advertising can also handle the process with no attention or action from you.

Learn more about auto-apply recommendations.

Track the performance of suggested ads

Applied recommended ads join your ad group's rotation for potential appearance in searches. When they start appearing, you can track their performance along with that of your other ads in Ads & extensions. To distinguish ads created by Microsoft Advertising from those you created, add the Automated ads column to your table.

  1. Above the table you want to modify, select Columns > Modify columns.
  2. Under Modify columns, select Attributes.
  3. Find Automated ads and select the Add next to it.
  4. Select Save.

Ads that automatically applied to your ad group show Yes in the Automated ads column. Ads that show No in that column reflect if you've made any changes to ad content.

Review and edit recommended ads

You can always review and edit suggested ads before they go live.

  1. From the collapsible menu on the left, select Recommendations.

    If you're using the new Microsoft Advertising navigation, from the navigation menu on the left, hover over Campaigns and select Recommendations.

  2. You'll see any recommendations we have for you. Keep in mind there are different types of recommendations and not all of them may be ads. Learn more about the different types of recommendations.
  3. Select View Recommendation on a tile to open the list of recommendations.
  4. Select Edit for any ad you want to change.

Stop getting suggested ads

When you dismiss all recommendations, you will no longer receive recommendations of the type displayed in that tile.

  1. From the collapsible menu on the left, select Recommendations.

    If you're using the new Microsoft Advertising navigation, from the navigation menu on the left, hover over Campaigns and select Recommendations.

  2. Select the ellipsis icon More information icon on the recommendation card for the type of recommendation you wish to stop seeing.
  3. Select Dismiss all.
  4. You can provide optional feedback if you'd like. We'd appreciate it!

Any ads or content created by Microsoft Advertising as part of this program are subject to editorial review and will remain your content as defined by your Microsoft Advertising Agreement.

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