Paying with Boleto Bancário

Step-by-step instructions on how to pay for Microsoft Advertising in Brazil using Boleto Bancário.

You can add a Boleto Bancário payment method at any time, but you can only use a Boleto Bancário if your billing address is in Brazil and the account currency is the Brazilian real. Boleto Bancário payments can be made at a bank, post office, lottery agent, and some supermarkets.

Please note: Only users with full permissions (Super Admins) can add, edit, or delete a payment method. Learn more about user roles.

How to pay using Boleto Bancário

  1. From the top menu, select Tools > Billing & Payments.

    If you're using the new Microsoft Advertising navigation, from the navigation menu on the left, hover over Billing and select Payments.

  2. If you have multiple accounts, choose one from the account selector in the top menu.
  3. Select Payment Methods from the main menu.
  4. Select Add Boleto Bancário.
  5. Select Next.
  6. Enter a name that you'll recognize for this Boleto Bancário, and select Next.
  7. Enter your billing address and other information, and select Next.
  8. On the Payment Methods tab, next to the Boleto Bancário, select add funds.
  9. Enter a payment amount and your company name in the corresponding sections.
  10. Select your Tax type: Personal if you have a CPF number or Business if you have a CNPJ number. You must provide a tax ID so that it appears on your registered Boleto payment slip.
    Note: If you've previously saved a CPF or CNPJ number to your account, you'll see it displayed in the box below Tax type. However, if you enter a tax ID here, we'll add it to your account and overwrite any previously saved tax ID.
  11. Select Get Payment Slip.
  • Each Boleto Bancário payment slip can only be used to make a single payment to your Microsoft Advertising account. Every time you want to fund your account with a Boleto, you'll need to create a new one.
  • For instructions on how to delete a payment method, see Deleting a payment method.
  • It can take up to five business days after the Boleto slip is paid for the funds to appear in your Microsoft Advertising account.
  • As part of advertiser identity verification (AIV), customers must complete their AIV profiles. To apply for a refund, customers must agree to a waiting period of 90 calendar days from the day the Boleto funds are posted to their account.

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