Paying with SEPA Direct Debit

Step-by-step instructions on how to add a credit or debit card, PayPal account, bank transfer, Boleto Bancário, SEPA Direct Debit, and virtual bank account.

When you add a SEPA Direct Debit payment method, we validate your bank account by making a small deposit to your account and then you enter that amount in Microsoft Advertising. This process takes some time but helps ensure the security of your account.

Please note: Payments via SEPA Direct Debit are only accepted for prepay accounts based in Germany and billed in euro. Also, only users with full permissions (Super Admins) can add, edit, or delete a payment method. Learn more about user roles.

How to pay using SEPA Direct Debit

  1. From the top menu, select Tools > Billing & Payments > Payment methods.

    If you're using the new Microsoft Advertising navigation, from the navigation menu on the left, hover over Billing and select Payment methods.

  2. If you have multiple accounts, choose one from the account selector in the top menu.
  3. Select Add SEPA Direct Debit.
  4. Fill in the form with your address and banking info, including a name that you'll recognize for your SEPA Direct Debit, and then select Next.
  5. Digitally sign the DocuSign form.
  6. In the next few days, check your bank account for a deposit from Microsoft that is between EUR 0 - 2.00. (Depending on your bank, this can take 1-3 days.)
  7. After finding this deposit, on the Payment Methods tab, select Verify this account.
  8. Enter the amount deposited to your bank account, select Next. Watch for a confirmation message on the Payment Methods tab that the process is complete.
  9. If you want to make SEPA Direct Debit your primary form of payment, on the Payment Methods tab, select Set as primary.
    The word Primary will appear next to your SEPA payment method.
  • Adding funds using SEPA Direct Debit can take up to 5 business days for the first payment and up to 2 business days for subsequent payments.
  • Before you can associate a SEPA payment method to other accounts, you will need to have made at least one successful payment on the first account using this SEPA payment method.
  • For questions or problems with SEPA direct debit transactions, please contact your bank.
  • For instructions on how to delete a payment method, see Deleting a payment method.
  • As part of advertiser identity verification (AIV), customers must complete their AIV profiles.

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